Also carrying over from another site where I used to post regularly, I hope here to continue to update everyone on more personal stuff…
Obviously, the biggest news is the launching of this site. We did several phases of ministry in coming to South East Asia (SEA). We completed the first phase in getting settled and found ways to contribute to the community here. We further look to complete the second in doing my degrees as I will graduate with a Ph.D. in May. That completes phase two.
We have embarked on finding ourselves a secured location of our own from which to do ministry in the wake of possible persecution. That is currently underway but will take time to complete. As I begin the fourth phase, I should continue teaching bachelor level students. I will be teaching a Master’s level course at the highest level domestically in country next month. Details are still pending on that. I continue to finish work delayed by “all things 2020” amid the global pandemic and hope to have it completed soon.
We intend on continuing to produce content here in the form of blogs and eventually online courses to be made available for those of “means” to purchase while offering those without the “means” scholarships to do as much as possible. That will happen once time allows. I have to meet current demands first. There is so much already on my plate, and now I will try to maintain these pages on this site.
I presented an academic paper earlier in 2020 that will be published soon here apparently as they asked me to send in the final draft. Several opportunities are in the works with the possibility of students here being able to take other online classes from others. Our work with Dr. Michael S. Heiser via his Miqlat project continues as two of his books are completed in translation. One of those is due out in an audio version in Nepali sometime later this year and hopefully the other one coming out in 2021.
We also are trying to get a John H. Walton book translated. Permission has been granted, but it sits in a queue of another ministry’s backlog. They continue to raise funds for it. They already are connected with the publisher and easily secured the rights once I let them know it was of extreme interest.
Many who come from the previous updates will know I face several health issues which have flared up hindering my progress here. We would appreciate prayers for those. My parents both could use prayers over their own health issues. My father-in-law also is facing problems with locals in the village. (We hope to get a prayer request tab set up soon.)
We have not figured out as of yet how we wish to do donations on here as of yet, so email us at info[at] There we can discuss the options we currently have available to do that. It is challenging living here. When we first arrived, I found tourist info warning life here is quite difficult.
I use a bicycle to get around the valley mainly. It has suffered due to several accidents as it is quite dangerous here. Thankfully, I survived with minimal problems, but the bicycle needed repairs. I continued to unwisely use it to avoid going to the repair shop during the virus. I finally went. It has been upgraded. The chainring and cassette had to be replaced. It sure makes a difference as the technology between what I had and what I own now is entirely different. I can climb hills much easier. I am so thankful for the person who made these repairs possible!