The Gift that Keeps on Giving

One can think down through life and wonder there are great swaths of life where much is forgotten. Past meals that came and went and are no longer remembered coming…

Crisis of Faith?

Some have found a crisis of faith in this present darkness. A lot of bad theology has had to be discarded. Unfortunately, so often, the baby has been thrown out…

FREE Ways to Study Online

We are focusing right now on our YouTube channel, ways to study online for FREE. If you wish to join in and learn how you can also enjoy, feel free…

Gaslighting and the Bible

The following is based upon a true story: Recently, someone requested my understanding of a particular passage in the Bible. I found adequate research, but I was limited as the…

Heard of Fasting?

Someone recently asked me about fasting. While this will not cover everything, I hope something in this posting resonates with what I have discovered thus far that is helpful. I…

Cult and the Cultivation of Culture

Scholars like Walton[1] and Beale[2] have successfully made the correlations between the language of the Genesis creation account(s) in Gen 1-2 with ANE parameters of cosmic temple imagery. One specific…

Sheol in Gen 1:1?

Sheol in Gen 1:1? As argued previously, Scott Noegel has introduced the idea that one can include the ancient Hebrew conception of Sheol in Gen 1:1’s “earth.”[1] I have discussed…