In Memorial of Pastor Ratna Kaji Basu

Nepali Pastor who died ministering to native Nepalis during the pandemic. As many of you already know, Nepal is a small, landlocked nation in South Asia with mainly an east/west…

Gaslighting and the Bible

The following is based upon a true story: Recently, someone requested my understanding of a particular passage in the Bible. I found adequate research, but I was limited as the…

Heard of Fasting?

Someone recently asked me about fasting. While this will not cover everything, I hope something in this posting resonates with what I have discovered thus far that is helpful. I…

Cult and the Cultivation of Culture

Scholars like Walton[1] and Beale[2] have successfully made the correlations between the language of the Genesis creation account(s) in Gen 1-2 with ANE parameters of cosmic temple imagery. One specific…


Some have asked how to further support our work. For online giving, we have opened up a Patreon account. Otherwise, one can reach out to us on our contact page…

The End of Learning?

In this update, I have “learned” the value of Theological Education. It is one thing to study and gain knowledge of the various academic streams that flow out of the…

May 2021 Addendum Update

Things continue to worsen for the region. Nepal’s numbers still manage to be percentagewise by some estimates be worse than the outbreaks in India when all things are considered. Nepal’s…

YouTube Channel

One can easily check out all the many videos we have uploaded to the YouTube channel attached to this blog. We have many playlists with videos in a series to…